Islam has managed to be a dominant religion because of it's characteristics that appear to be parallel to Christianity. It's declaration of Allah being one true god has deceived many Christians to believe that it's the same God of Christianity being referred to by the followers of Islam. The Islamic claim to four books in the bible which actually is a mere claim. The truth is that Allah is a god just like the many Indian gods and the gods of the philistines and ancient Babylon.
Many of the people in the Islamic religion were forced into it, born into , married into it or threatened to join Islam. One of the largest wave of the great deception, Jesus warned the world that it would come showed up at beginning of 600 AD when prophet Muhammad received a false revelation which has driven a great multitude of people into destruction.
Every religion that causes you to stay in it because of fear originates from the devil himself. It's the devil who controls through terror and fear. Every agent of the devil or every one in any demonic association has entered a covenant with terrifying consequences if broken. There are very many people who really love God, they have been deceived to believe that the god of the Islamic book they read is the only true God. These are those Muslims who are temperate, those that seek peace with all people. The bible says 2 timothy 2:26, (they have been taken captive against their will.) Many of these never got to choose Islam but instead found themselves Muslims by birth. They grew up being corrupted by the doctrine which they were taught but because their hearts bare a seed of godliness, they have not yielded completely to that spirit of Islam.
Every perfect Muslim must be a murderer according to the teachings of the Q'uran. There is a great reward promised to any Muslim who kills a Jew or a Christian in the Q'uran. Allah will give to such a person 72 virgins in the Islamic paradise. This also renders a very huge question as to whether all the Muslim ladies will become virgins again or there are some demonic virgins that await these suicidal Muslims in Janna.
1 John 4:3, says " And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and that is that spirit of the ,whereof ye have heard that it should come ;and even now already is it in the world.
The Anti Christ spirit is the spirit of terror even as Islam which tortures not only the non Muslims but even the very fellow Muslim followers. This is the faith which clearly denies that Jesus is the son of God. That means the doctrine literally denies that Jesus is the Christ.
The Islamic faith is guarded not by the voice of reason but by violence. The facts started in the quaran besides being hidden mostly in the Arabic language, there is great terror which is driven towards those who expose them to the world.
I Plead with you Muslims who love God, flee that trap of the devil where he has held you captive. I'm not asking you to join the Christian religion but accept the Jesus Christ the Judge of the living and the dead.
Accept the God of love who wants to become your God personally. He wants to take all sins on his account and make you blameless. The reason Jesus died on the cross was to bare the punished for the sins of all those that would believe in Him. The bible says that God is a God of faithfulness and without injustice. As the true Judge, God will make sure that ever sin is punished. The bible says it's accounted to man once to die and then Judgement. This means that every man will come before the judge. If you believe in Jesus, he will stand with you on that day to declare sins paid by his blood.