4 weeks after a call to revival was declared in Christian life church in Kampala, Dr Morris Cellullo, who having been of an incurable disease when he thought it was time to God to Jesus, having preached for 7 decades, was called back to ministry, to raise God another army of prayer warriors. His first mission was to this local church in Uganda. The presence of God was so strong in that he did not preach but just testified how he received the mantle has been carrying for over 7 decades now. This mighty presence of God has stayed up to now such that senior pastor of this church Jackson Senyonga has received amazing grace to minister day and night, 15 times a week.
From the testimony of Dr cellulo, more testimonies are given on the same pulpit every night. Amazing miracles are happening every night, two people have been resurrected one from a body bag in the mortuary, whose mother joined pastor Jackson in prayer over the live top radio broad cast, and the mortuary guard saw the body bag shaking, and another having had the declaration of the pastor that these are times refused his father to be wrapped up in a body bag after he was declared dead in the intensive care unit, and she prayed for him before he was transfered to the mortuary
The older man was resurrected completely healed when died while in intensive care, her daughter in yellow, who is a member of Christian life church prayed for him before he was transfered to the mortuary

Five years ago Benny Hinn live on TBN with Trinity broadcasting founder Peter Crouch present, confirmed a prophetic word given that night by giving the sign of it's time. what was the prophet word and which sign did pastor Benny give?
We are into the most significant days in Church history and there are a number of things that are going to begin to converge, there is going to be an acceleration of signs that are going to overlap and there is a company of people who have been in hidden in God for a season but they are coming out of hiding and they are going to stand in the courts of pharaoh and they are going to challenge the spirit like Elijah did, like Moses did they are going to challenge the powers of Egypt, and the Church is going to see a twenty first century of the demonstration of the Spirit. Not from one or two but from a many member body, God is going to have the church of his dreams. All the Institutelizing we have done to the church, all things we have done trying to make it earth thing instead of God thing, God has had the Church under wraps for 2000 years, that's why there are 2000 cubits where this generation is in the earth, that's why God wants this church which has been in hiding prepared for power by severe testing, severe trials, and severe tribulation every season and they fill that they are not going to be used, it's too late, it's all over. That's the company that has been prepared for power, like john the baptist living in the wilderness eating locust strange foods.They are being weaned away from every thing that is contradictory to the powerful truth that's in the word of God. And that company is coming out of hiding, they are going to cross Jordan and are going into a mighty manifestation of the power, where there will not be power on only one or two but power on multiplied thousands and thousands.
Immediately after the prophecy Pastor Benny Hinn confirmed the prophecy with the sign saying,
And the sign will be the death of Billy Graham, I'm being loyal, you were talking about a people in hiding just like Elijah was hiding but when he came out he challenged the prophets of Baal, and the Lord told me in 1989, that the death of Oral Roberts and Billy Graham will be the key to the break out of the Greatest revival on earth.