When asked by his disciples about the signs of the end, Jesus warned them about the coming deception saying take heed that you are not deceived. There are very many sound doctrines gone out in the world today, and many have been accept by many to be true and yet they are false. The devil has so darkened and narrowed the the true path such that even the very few who had found are sliding back into religion. Because he is operating so close to the truth so that it's not easy establish the difference between the angel of light and the angel of light. Even true men of God have been yoked by many of these false ministers but God knows how deliver his own.
Mathew 13:30 ( Let them grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; Then gather the wheat to bring it into my barn.
False prophets recently had a meeting according to a testimony given in Christian life church, where the head of these false prophets warned others that, they have do quick whatever they are doing because they have no time left. This is what they mean by having no time. Jesus has permitted them to exist together until the Church has grown. The main agenda of false prophet has been to prevent the church from growing because that's the only way they could prolong their existence but now after the on going revival in Uganda where the church has continued daily in fellowship for over a full year. The angel of the Lord is ready to be released together these false prophets. As a results there are many ultimate measures being taken by false prophets to delay the move of God. A lot accidents, human sacrifices and acts of brutality have increased in Uganda so as unleash more evil. False prophets have gone to an extent of giving out money to their followers. In a television advert, one of the false prophets called and promised to give every one that went to his church holy money.

In another testimony given by Mable a former co minister with false prophets that was redeemed by the grace of God. She said she was abducted after giving her life to Christ, during the season when a fast had been declared at Christian life church. Before she escaped after being tortured, she was given a suggestion that if she agreed to become their agent in that very church where she had got saved from, her life would be spared. Her task was very simple as they told her. She was going to be given money and she would only distribute that money to people in the church. Mable continued to reveal that this money was sacred so that whoever took this money would go to that false prophet church where the money came from. This money was endued with evil power to transact souls.
I believe we are living in that time of great deception Jesus spoke of, Mathew 243-4, He said in verse 24 of the same chapter " That because of the signs and wonders that these false prophets will perform, even the every elect, ( the true servants of God) if it were possible, they would also be deceived" The right thing to do is to pray that you may have a personal relationship with Jesus and then read all the words of Jesus Christ in the bible carefully with an open heart, That's the only thing that will keep us. The bible warns us of not being yoked equally together with unbelievers, But now it's the devil pushing himself to be associated with true men of God. There was sorcerer named Simon Samaria, Acts 8:9-24, when Philip preached there, this man also believed and continued with Philip but he was not yet converted. We can not determine false prophets by their looks, who they talk to or where they go to because there are some who are so crafty that you can not note them on any of those.
That's why Jesus said in, Mathew 7:15-23, watch out for false prophets because if you look on their outward conduct, you might miss them but you will know them by their fruits. That means you must know how to tell the difference between a good fruit and a bad fruit, but for us Christians we know that the only good fruit of the Holy Spirit. This fruit is the litmus test to all falsehood. These days some prophets verify themselves by the miracles they perform but a prophet should be that person who hears and speaks what God says and we are supposed to Judge them by what they say. We are living in the era of the kingdom of God not of the old testament because that's where false prophets confuse many of us. New testament is all about the Kingdom of God which is Righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy spirit. If the message you hear does give you one of these, If it does not give you conviction of sin and a hunger for the righteousness of God, If it does not give you the peace of God which the bible says surpasses all understanding and you never experience the Joy of God which over rides all hardships, then watch out.
At least one the elements of righteousness, peace or Joy must follow the true prophet of God but false prophets have faked many of these in the following ways:
1. Instead of the conviction of sin to repentance have ushered condemnation of sin making believers only reliant on the so called man of God as a mediator to God because they can never approach God by themselves because of their sins and this way they take opportunity to extract money from them for prayers. 2. Instead of ministering the peace of God, they minister fear to their followers. Search yourself every one of you and find out if you just respect or you fear and are afraid of that "man of God". They don't minister grace but only Judgment and punishment for sin. The message they preach gives sin power to dominate as sometimes they make believers sin conscious leading to self righteousness. 3. They fake the joy of the Holy Spirit by increasing entertainment in church which only make their followers happy and not joyful because joy only comes where the Spirit of the Lord is, and joy never ceases despite changes in situations. When you receive the joy of the Holy Spirit, you will smile through big problems.
There is a big difference between TB Joshua and Jimmy Swaggart. The message Jimmy Swaggart preached was from God and changed lives even if his secret sin was exposed later but that does not make him a false prophet, he was a true Christian who in temptation and committed a sin and no doubt he is in heaven if he repented. Today TB Joshua is dominates many nations in the world but who has ever been saved after being convicted of sin because of the message preached by TB Joshua. I have not heard any simply because it's the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin and he does not work through false prophets.