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So they took James, Herod took him and killed him. James the son of Zebedee, who walked with Jesus. James who saw the almighty God come up on him on the day of Pentecost, James who walked shoulder to shoulder with the son of God. James who was on the mountain of configuration with Moses and Elijah. James who saw the risen Messiah and held his hands. James who felt his breath penetrate his being. James who knew the Lord, walked with him is killed by Herod. Then Herod said haa I killed James, I can kill peter but before he could kill Peter, the church woke up and said we are not going to let him do it. we are going to pray. These men and women got together in the house of John, Mark and his mama. They got together in Jerusalem and prayed without ceasing. God sent an angel from heaven, opened the prison doors and got peter out of Prison why ? not because of power but because of prayer. Therefore prayer is more powerful than power.

Now understand this clearly, asking is not just getting on your knees and looking up speaking empty words, It's not simply to utter words that mean nothing. God is not asking us to utter words, He is asking us to pray from the heart. Prayer must come from the heart or it's not prayer. Prayer must come from the inner being or it's not heard. prayer must come from the depth of your soul or it's not accepted. Jesus explained it when he said ask, seek and knock. You have got to understand how to pray, They said teach us to pray. Ladies and gentlemen I'm begging you please understand this. I'm talking about something so powerful and so heavy, the devil almost destroyed me because of my own foolishness. I know what he is afraid of, he is not afraid of the anointing on my life. He is afraid when I get on my knees before God. The devil isn't afraid of you, he is afraid of God. Prayer brings God on the scene.

My brother if you are seeing no progress in your Christian life, if you are seeing no power, there's only one answer 'neglect of prayer" if there's no fruit, one answer "neglect of prayer" You can't stop that sin, you can't fight that sin, you can't overcome that sin, why? neglect of prayer. My brother the only way you can defeat sin in your life is not when you sing about it, it's not when you praise about it, it's not when you read promises about it, It's only when you get on your knees and pray about it. that's it , prayer and only prayer brings power in your life. Power over sin, Power Over weakness, power over demons, Power over sickness, power over the secret sins of your heart. every body has a secret sin. That secret sin is your biggest problem. It will destroy you, take it or leave it and I'm giving it to you that I may be clean from your blood.

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