This is the confidence we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. Therefore I can not know the restoration of God's presence unless I know his mind. I must know his will, I must know his mind, and you can not know his mind unless you are in an atmosphere of worship, but you can not be in an atmosphere of worship unless you know him first, it's intimate. Worship makes you know what he thinks. it's the knowledge of his will. But the knowledge of his will is not found with difficulty, the knowledge of his will is discovered easily because there are three revelations of his will.
First there's His secret will mentioned in Deuteronomy 29:29. The secret things belong unto the
Lord our God, it says. So there is a secret will that we don't know. Then there's a revealed will which you receive in prayer, The revealed will is his word. When you are in an atmosphere of worship and you have been worshiping for like half an hour or an hour, you busk in God's presence and your mind becomes illuminated, all the dirt goes out of your mind and now you settle in a dimension of God's peace and tranquility, Great peace have they that love your law, and certainly everything about his mind comes into your mind and you understand what it means, 'we have the mind of Christ" we can not have the mind of Christ unless we are connected to him, unless we are immersed in his presence, that's the only way we can think like he thinks. Now at that moment you ask for the things you know that he is hearing you on and he will say yes to. His will is easily found in his presence not in his absence
When I was young. This is the confidence we have in him, that word confidence means quietness and that quietness is found in worship. Remember what the word says, "They that wait upon the Lord" that word wait means worship. They that stand in worship. In the old testament they could stand in silence and wait. The bible says , they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles. Discerning the spirit you have got to be on that place were the eagle stands. The eagle stands on a high rock and waits for the right wind to blow before it surrenders. You can not surrender to God until you have been busking in his presence. Surrendering to God and knowing his will are wrapped together. In other words when you know his mind you yield, you surrender to his will. That's what happened in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was in intimate conversation with his father when he said not my will but yours and yet he faced the most difficult decision of his life. But he yielded completely to his father because of intimacy and because of worship.
The bible also tells us there's a third will, which is the permissive will. Psalms 106:15, He gave them their requests but sent leanness in their souls. That is a very dangerous thing to do, to force your way upon God. To say I don't care what you think I'm going to do it any way. There will be leanness in your soul, you will lose God's touch and presence because of your rebellion. But the revealed will of God happens in worship Romans 12:1, I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice, that in Hebrew is an act of worship. verse 2 says that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. When you are in worship the will of God becomes very clear. It's a process you will move into that process in worship. If you live in sin it's impossible to know God's mind because you have to seek him to know his mind not the other way round. 1 Samuel 28:6-15, Saul wanted to know God's will but God did not answer him finally he went to the witch, because God could not talk to him, God did not talk to him because he did not seek God, he was seeking God's will, God's mind but not God.That's the danger there. The right way is, spend time with him , get to know him, then worship him as the result of knowing him, the his mind will be automatically revealed to you, you will not have to seek for it. The people living in disobedience have nothing to do with God, they have no time to spend in his presence, the have nothing to do with worshiping him, All they say, Should I do this, O Lord should I get this job,should I marry this one, and they are always confused because there's no direction in their life, why because they are in rebellion. Psalms 66:18;19, says " If I regard iniquity in my heart, thou will not hear me" therefore it's blocked, disobedience will not reveal his will to you, It's impossible.
# 3. You must seek to know the mind of God in order to receive the presence and the power of God in your life.