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(Mathew 21:21-22)

Jesus said "All things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer believing, you shall receive." and all things, the most important one of all is spiritual. So when we are reading this verse we are thinking , financial, physical and other things, but I believe Jesus meant first spiritual things, all things whatsoever. What do you want most in this Christian life, well if you think about it, what you need most in your life is the presence of Jesus. It's the blessing of Jesus on your life, It's his favor, who cares about money, it comes and goes, even health is not as Important as God's presence, I would rather have God than be healed. I would rather have his presence than money and all that goes with it because all these things will one day vanish away but the presence of God is forever. The power of God is what we long for in our life that we may be effective and free from the satanic.

We are living in a world that is always pulling us back to the flesh. We are wrapped in satanic glue at times and we want to be free from that glue that keeps on pulling us back. Like I told you before, the flesh has many layers not just one, to be free from the flesh is hard. I remember when I was baptizing people in the Jordan, they gave me that wet suit that just wraps you body tight that the water does not go in, well the flesh is like that suit but the it has got many wet suits on top of it, so it's hard to break out into the world of liberty. the world of the spirit where we belong. The flesh and the things of the flesh attack us from all directions, wherever you look, billboards, magazine, the internet, at the place of work you hear people cursing, speaking all maner of vulgarity, and you fill like your polluted the time you leave work. Your mind is polluted because of the language, you just want to go back home and take a spiritual bath in the blood of Jesus, you want to be cleaned from the things you heard and the things you saw. thank God for the blood, say Amen.

You can not experience the presence of God with all this garbage at you from all sides. The things we see and the things we hear and on and on. The voice of God is silent when the flesh is loud. When the flesh is talking God is silent. So we all are hungry for that place liberty in the spirit.

The first thing we have to do as Jesus gave us this key is BE ALONE, SHUT THE DOOR.

(Mathew 6:5-7)

This is God is word and we have read it over and over but if we may pay close attention He says "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you they have their reward. Verse 7 Jesus said, " But when you pray , use not vain repetitions , as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard by their much speaking." So when you get into God's presence don't rush to say the first things which come into your mind. Now look at verse 6 " But thou , when thou prayest , enter into your closet, and when thou has shut your door, pray to thy father which seeth in secret shall reward you openly.

So the the first to receiving God's presence and power in your life is Being alone with him.


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