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This wedding has been organised free to all who desire to sanctify their marriage after being in a marriage relationship/ cohabiting or those who want to get married for the first time. It's not limited to Christian life church, any person from any part of the nation is free to take part. There are pastors who were called when already in a relationship and have not been in a better financial situation to officially wed their spouses, God knows and sees what his people go through and has paved away for them to break the curse of poverty off their life, It starts by releasing a blessing on families. Surely these marriage vows will abide because they have been commanded and funded by the financial favour released by God himself. This is just as God wished it to be.Its Abraham who organised and funded his son Isaac's wedding and that's why his marriage was blessed but because Isaac did not take on the responsibility of helping Esau and Jacob get married also because Tera did not take responsibility to help Abraham get married that's why they found problems in their marriages. That's how polygamy birthed conflict in families. This is why your heavenly Father has come to take over the responsibility of funding your marriage. This is tremendous blessing God is bestowing on a nation. After the marriage God then commands a blessing. The curse of poverty is surely shifting off the nation.

This is the mass wedding reception venue Christian life church

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