Christian life church funded mass wedding preparations now in final stages. grooms and brides are busy selecting and fitting in their most suitable wedding garments. There are plenty of garments to select from.The church has also employed Africa's best cosmetic company to offer saloon services to the brides. The church parking grounds have been turned into a grand saloon beauty exhibition with plenty of tents furnished with saloon equipments ready to work on the multitude of brides to their best.

The Church auditorium being now the second largest church structure in Africa is being furnished for the wedding ceremony. This where the couples will be taking their wedding vows tomorrow morning
The church has been organized with hundreds of executive bridal tables where every couple will be seated with a bridal wedding cake for each couple. on their own table.

Pastor Jackson and Eve Senyonga behind Africa's Largest mass wedding. They have responded to the call of God to bring restoration of the marriage institute. It takes total surrender to God and having your thought above where Jesus is seated with the father to carry out such a task in this current world of greed where minister are being corrupted by the desire for fame and wealth. millions of money are spent on these mass weddings but no special offering has been raised in the main church service specifically for this mass wedding.
It was God who instituted and funded the first wedding, also Abraham organised and funded the marriage of his son Isaac and both their marriages were blessed. There is a blessing falls on the couples that are joined in these mass weddings and surely their marriages will stand because they are instructed by their Father in heaven and also funded by special financial favour. This is real RIVIVAL.