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This number 666 is the number of the beast and it's a code that seeks access to your spirit and soul to manipulate your mind in order to take over your life. We are meant to temples of the Holy Spirit filled with all the fullness of God. Through deception by portraying the benefits derived from compromising JEZEBEL. (Revelations 2:24) The bible says that JEZEBEL has a doctrine that is spreading in the church. Many true men of God are falling prey to it. This mermaid spirit of Jezebel has infiltrated the church with false teachers and false prophets and they have corrupted the true servants of God, Just like in the days of Elijah, All the true prophets of God bowed to the idol of Baal except Elijah and the 7,000.

JEZEBEL is using FAME and MONEY to attract the attention of God's true prophets so that he can corrupt the anointing they are carrying. Many after having a taste of FAME have developed the fear of living without it and have therefore chosen suffer the woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess when she is not, Apostle Paul after experiencing the fame of standing before kings refused deception of maintaining it and chose to speak all the truth no matter the cost (2 Corinthians 11:25-27).

Jesus was able to turn stones into bread and carnally talking what was wrong with turning stone into bread when some had not eaten anything for forty days and night. The devil through this 666 code of agreements has suggested to men of God the same thing. I will give you fame, money to preach the gospel, make your music, your sermons and ministry popular if you just meet my very simple conditions.

The main target get access to the pulpit and spread the evil of Idol worship. Baal is the largest idol in the whole world. Therefore Jezebel is elevating the alters of idol worship where men fear prophets more than Jesus, they strive for the touch of men and ignore the touch of the Holy Spirit, men fear speak out the truth because someone will be offended, they fear to expose false prophets even after God has revealed to them in order to maintain popularity.

When a true prophet of God makes an error not every one is permitted to confront them, that's why Miriam was stricken with leprosy when she confronted moses but Aron had the right to correct him BUT when it comes to false prophets and teachers these have to be resisted by everyone.

This is what I mean because everyone can make a mistake even true men of God make mistakes, but if a true man of God wrongs you instead of taking it upon yourself to confront him, it requires you to report the matter to another true man of God operating in the same type of ministry because it takes the office of a pastor to confront a pastor, a prophet to confront another office of a prophet. When you do confront them directly they may misuse the anointing of God on them to destroy your work. They may pronounce a curse on you which may not affect you have Jesus but affect your children.

On the contrary the curses of false prophets are just mere threats to the children of God, because all powers of the devil have been subdued under any believer in Jesus, and false prophets depend on the powers of the devil, they therefore have no ability to heart you for as long as you retain Jesus in your life.

Their main assignment is mislead you and cause you to lose focus and trust in Jesus, They want to lead you into secret agreements with the devil without your full knowledge.

The devil knows that God is the keeper of every covenant thats why Israel and Palestine will never destroy each other until Jesus comes because of the covenant Abraham made with Abimelech (Genesis 21:23-32) because of that covenant God told Joshua eliminating all the inhabitants of Canaan to leave the Philistines.

Through deception the servants of Jezebel,the false prophets are convincingly appealing to many true prophets of God to bend little by little in order to receive funding for their ministry and because money is a medium of exchange, There is a shift of authority that is taking place where some men of God can longer stand strong against sin and evil because as the bible also declares they have been taken captive against their will. The number 666 is now placed even gospel sermons , gospel music,on cameras in much disguise because the time when if you don't let place the 666 code your media it can not be spread further, if it's not on your music, it will not sell, if you don't place it some where on Tv broad cast it will lack viewers.

But just as Jezebel has invaded the church, the Lord God almighty has poured the anointing of Elijah to expose these false prophets as it is written "when the enemy will come in, like a flood the spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. God is restoring and anointing new true prophets to replace some those of have corrupted their anointing by their desire for money and fame.

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