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This is a very huge subjects that leads you to the very essence of your being. Every person that is alive has got a purpose in life. You will never be contented even if the whole world fell into your hands until you discover purpose of existence and do it. God did not make any mistakes in making you the way you are, what other people regard as shortcomings in your life are the guidelines to destined purpose.

How do I know if what I'm doing will bring fulfillment in my life.

You will never be fulfilled in life until you get into the path of your destiny in life, there are destinies that have been altered but will restore them to the right owner the moment they discover themselves. You can never be satisfied by walking in someone else's destiny, that's why many people after reaching the pinnacle of whatever career they chose to try out end up miserable despite of what the outside world complement to them as success. This is because there is a huge difference between success and achievement. It may require a number of achievements to attain success. Philippians 3:7-14. The apostle Paul a very committed Jew, scholar and apprehender of the law of Moses must have been considered and admired by the religious people of his time as a successful servant of God. All his zeal and commitment to the law of Moses was outside the will of God for his life. It was not until he discovered the will of God for his life that he started gazing and working towards the clear mark of true success.

When understand the will of God for your life, Time will become the most precious asset of your being, because what you need to accomplish will be vivid every day of your life. Paul finally was confident to declare "I have fought the good fight of faith." because he knew he had done what he was created to do.



God has given to every person a certain measure of Faith, This measure can be increased and it's what determines the number of gifts that have been deposited in every soul . It's the duty of man to seek for the right purpose of these gifts. (Roman 12:6)


The issues of a man's entire being are hidden in the heart. What God purposed for you to be is deep in your heart. It is revealed every time your sincere in life because most people loose it by trying to imitate and live the life of others people. You will never be fulfilled by imitating someone else because God made every person unique. The very thing you desire or love most to do and fills you with Joy when you do it, reveals the call of God in your life.

There is nothing fulfills an evangelist like seeing souls come to Jesus, You can tell that someone has got a true call of a pastor by their desire to see a believer grow in Christ and become mighty ministers of the gospel, they never compete with the people they pastored because they rejoice even more if their believers exceed them in every aspect.


Every person posses certain skills or talents. When God was sending moses back to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel from the Egyptian bondage, there was need for a fluent speaker, Aron was added to the team because of his communication skills. God knows your skills and has let you posses them because your purpose in life requires them. It's only when you identify where your skills can be applied in the service of God that you will fill satisfied in life otherwise no matter how many achievements you get from your skills, you still will feel empty. ( Acts 18:2)


This is very important because many people waste their time forcing themselves to do what does not suit them. What type of person are you, hot tempered, shy, quarrelsome, merciful, strong stature, inventive, Your personality will give you direction to what God has called you to do. If you fear speaking to a large group of people, being a pastor may not be your calling, if you are personally shy instead of pursuing to be a worship leader you may try out to be a cleaner in church. It does not matter where you serve God, as long as it's the call of God for your life, you will be fulfilled and blessed . (Galatians 1:13)

Not all the apostles of Jesus spoke to the multitude on the day they received the Holy spirit but Simon Peter because by personality always was a quick speaker identified his call and 3,000 were saved that day. The personality of Mathew led him to note everything that was done by Jesus and though he did not preach on pentecoast, the book he wrote is preaching more than he ever could. Therefore every thing you do for God is equally important, all you need is to find your calling.(Romans.12:3)


The process of discovering the will of God for your life takes you through a number of experiences. When Moses ran away from Egypt in search for the real purpose of his being because he did not fill satisfied of being a prince in Egypt.His life felt empty and therefore ended up in Median. All the experiences he acquired as a prince in Egypt and from keeping sheep in Median, was useful in his ministry.

God used his geographical knowledge of the desert to lead Israel that way and also his Egyptian education to write the revelation of the creation of the world and other three more books together with designing the ark of the old covenant. Through the experience you have acquired, you will discover the purpose of going through what you went through and it's the call of God for your life. ( 2Corinthians 11:25)

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