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The king of Judah Jehoshaphat went to Ahab the king of Judah to wage war together against the king of Syria. They decided to consult from the prophets. Ahab gathered 400 hundred prophets and they all prophesied victory for Ahab and Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat for a true prophet of God to be brought because all the other prophets were false prophets. When Micaiah the true prophet of God came, he spoke the same word like the other prophets "Go and prosper for the lord will deliver it into the Hands of the (King. kings 22)

When a word comes from God it manifests in the Spirit first before it's revealed in the natural world. Now it takes someone in the office of a prophet or with a gift of prophecy or with strong spirit to catch it and manifest it in the natural. Jesus said the words that I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are life. When God needed to fulfill his purpose, a spirit came forth not the Holy Spirit, and God used it. This spirit as a word was released in the spiritual realm and all the 400 false prophets of Ahab saw it. (1 kings 22:22)

False prophets are people who posses a very strong Spirits, They are able to see in the Spiritual realm. God said so shall my word be with proceeds from my mouth, it shall not return to me void but will accomplish that which I send it forth to do.

Whatever is manifested in the natural world has already been manifested in the Spiritual. Whatever has been manifested in the spiritual realm can be seen by anyone can see in the Spirit and once spoken in the natural it's fulfilled because it came from God no matter who speaks it as long as he dwells in the flesh, That's

why satan's most effective agents are false prophets because, they can do what the devil himself can not do. False prophets can use the name of Jesus freely because they are also fresh and blood. Because the word of God declares that the highest heavens belong to God but the earth, he has given to the sons men.

When Elijah the prophet was to be taken to heaven, the word of his departure was release in the spirit and hang in there . Elisha saw the word and refused to let Elijah out of his sight, the sons of the prophets also had seen the word in the spirit and kept on warning Elisha that you master will be taken from you today.

That's why false prophets are also able sometimes to prophesy things and they come to pass, because if they see the word of God hanging in the Spirit because of their spiritual strength and abilities and declare it in the physical world, it must come to pass because it came from God.

What makes the difference between the True prophets of God and the False prophets is the presence of God in the life of the True prophets of God. The people who operate as true prophets of God have got a very strong presence of God in their life all the time. It can be felt just by hearing them speak . All the 400 prophets Ahab brought spoke but Jehoshaphat did feel the presence of God. He needed some one with the presence of God because he knew how it feels even Ahab, when Micaiah the true Prophet of God spoke the same word as the other prophets, for the first time was able to detect that it was not true because the presence of God in Micaiah life manifested lying spirit that was in the word released in the Spirit.

They have access to the secret counsel of God by the strong presence of the anointing in their life. This prophet of God Micaiah was able to reveal origin of this false prophetic word which was hanging in the Spirit, because he had accessed the presence of God and seen the suggestion of this lying spirit.

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