The potential in you is more than that stable job, stable income, great career etc. It's all not sufficient. This month a person just exactly like you lost 14 billion dollars in a single day.
The great news is that he did not become poor. He only moved one step down in ranking.
The secret is that despite having amassed great wealth, he still continued to embrace opportunities. The world is more than you can ever utilize. Don't make your self useless in a self made cage of limitations.
Whatever your hands finds to do, multiply it. Make yourself a unit of multiplication and addition. Just like you paid for your academic career, there are more careers in life that you will need to pay either with your time or financial resources.
Your time is your greatest resource but it's unfortunately spent even if you do nothing.
Cash chat has developed a way to add value to you time. On the cash chat status in the cash chat app, every 24 hours your status posts views are converted automatically into earning.
There's no verification or qualifications process. Those are all ways of cheating you and stealing your time. On Cash Chat your posts start earning right from the first view.
The reason you are still under attack is because you have not been conquered yet.