The number of entrepreneurs in Africa exceeds that in Europe. Financial discipline and attitude accounts for the state of African Entrepreneurs. Just like the clock ⏰never stops running so are the business trends.
We have built a platform a platform for you African entrepreneurs to build your own brand. Our target is the profit figures but the impact on the entire continent. The task is great that's why we need you onboard sign up today.
African entrepreneurs are limited by the carelessness to adjust to changes in business trends. Market survey and investment into new products and project research is something considered as a waste of money.
It's evident in many instances that many that have persisted in taking business risks finally made it up.
African governments have just started realising that bloggers currently earn more than the highest paid civil servants. I'm considering cyber thieves in anyway, I mean people doing genuine business in affiliate marketing, content creation, digital advertising and all work from anywhere jobs.
Working from Africa is an advantage in cyber business today but many of Africa's potential entrepreneurs are still bound in their minds that working in a job and getting a monthly salary or doing casual labour to be paid wages is the only genuine jobs the rest is gambling. They close their ears to information and later fight for trading space in local markets with the illiterate. Always learn something new in case you have time for it, that being wise. Learning is not free, don't give up on it when it costs you, only learn more effectively.
If the illiterate working next to you are had access to what you have today, they would be very far better off. Change your mentality and Stop gambling for a moment and venture into other systems via cyber connection.
Absolutely true we need to wake up. Africa with all It's resources cannot have a country in the first world.