In 2016 when this financial platform was developed, the first option was to Uganda but it was extremely ignored that the developers took the platform to 🇰🇪Kenya where it was received whole heartedly. By 2018 the platform had become the fastest growing company in all Africa. As a result a new breed of Social media millionaires emerged. The developer of the platform opted to engage it's users in the marketing of the financial technology, paying them huge commissions. Between 2016 and the beginning of 2020, Pesamoni paid it's bold Cashers affiliates 80% of the subscription fee instantly.
Agents that got 10 subscribers a day earned 18 Million shillings every month. Because of the huge commissions involved some people mistook it for another pyramid scheme but Cash Chat was never a pyramid, it's simply the promotion of the platform which operated as a pyramid but the main goal was to provide East African countries with subsidies on payment of utility bills in addition to easily make transactions across borders digitally.
Cashchat negotiated for the lowest possible tariffs for utility bills like electricity, 💦water, Airtime, insurance and money transfers.
Many Kenyan companies and those in Rwanda offered cash chat users lower tariffs compared to other platforms but for 3 years now the electric power suppliers in Uganda has declined to reduce on the rates and as a result, cash chat still hasn't integrated their services on the financial system.
By using Cashchat you empower the voice that negotiates for affordable and better services. At the moment, the exploitation in money transfers between Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda have been completely eliminated. It now costs more to send money from any local mobile money number to another mobile money number that using Cashchat across borders. There is a uniform fee which is currently the lowest in Africa. ...