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Ignoring the subject of money will punish an entire generation. It does not in any way portray uprightness or dignity. You can not equate it to protection or direction to your children.

If you don't teach your children about money, they might learn it the bad way. It's most obvious that you will become irrelevant in comparison to money.

Either you have money or don't have it yet, you can teach your children certain principles about money.

The natural laws of money.

1. The law of mental transformation

This is a very serious issue as many have tuned up to a superstitious mindset. You are exactly as you think in your heart. Your mind thinks in pictures. Everything in life is built twice, first in the mind and then in the physical.

Stop being a copycat and start by building the life your mind for whatever you build in your mind will eventually come to be. When reprogram your attitude towards money in your mind and then use your mouth, then things will physically begin to be constructed.


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