Whenever you take a glance from a distance of what appears like a treasure, always taking another look or even a much closer look before moving on. Don't stop the procedure no matter how many disappointments you encountered because that's the way of the achievers in life. Winners don't quit and quitters never win in life.
While flying over the Netherlands during a clear sky summer morning, I took this shot through the plane window. Different individuals will have varying description of what they see in the image. How you interpret what you see is very important in life and your perception will always be influenced by the distance you take your view from.
People have varying ways of reacting to circumstances, what some call problems others view them as opportunities. Some people become more careful after en countering a counterfeit and close all avenues with the appearance of the same but there are those that stimulated to discover the authentic and will not stop despite how many counterfeits they encounter.
To be careful in life is a good thing to be over careful is the biggest risk any person can take. If you are very careful about everything : what you eat, how you breath, how you are secure, how to spend so as to pay the bills for next year, how to avoid a mosquito bite walking on the street in the morning. You will end up living a miserable life. There is more stress in the Europe and the US where insurance is everywhere than in Africa where you eat today and God will take care of tomorrow. People have become so careful about everything to the extent that they have missed living their life and now only exists like robots with an expiry date.
The greatest teacher of all time asked a question " What will you add to your stature by worrying? If the birds eat and the flowers dress up beautifully, then stop worrying." Many people mistake planning for being very careful, actually the reverse is true planners are risk takers, they draw a map of their destination not minding the difficulties they will encounter on the way. Many people in the western world today are surviving on the system laid down by their risk taking founders. Men and women who through multiple failures finally managed to draft a way forward for their people.
Never be afraid to fail because failing to try is the worst state a person can attain. If a baby never tries to walk, the result will be a cripple. Complaints and grumbles are indicators of accepting failures, guard against them and move forward.