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Cash Chat Upgrading to Comfortably host a billion users.

There's is an dynamic shift to Cash Chat from various social media platform. The platform already has over 10 million pending users. Cash Chat users have woken up to the real value of their time on social media by understanding the exactly monetary value of each view.

For a newly created account with only 82 views, this cash chat wallet automatically starts registering income. There's no eligibility requirements like minimum hours, views or subscriptions to earn on status views with Cash Chat. Once your in, the earning starts automatically. ( Your account can earn a minimum of $500 per month if you have just 500 active contacts on cash chat. I have no idea how much you earn from 5000 contacts on your social platform, what I can calculate is that it will earn you $5000 per month on cash chat.

Here is an account with over 5000 subscription and yet not approved for monetization.

If you are planning to start or are already a blogger, this information will be good for you. Among all the available blogging platforms, at least YouTube had exceeded the others in giving back, their requirements which are 1000 Subscribers, and 4000 watch hours are better than Facebook's 10000 views or likes requirements but it is not automatic that you will be approved when you meet that. Their goal is not to give you what belongs to you but to find a reason to take it from. I will share details in my next blogg but I advise to switch to Cash Chat.

For 5 years now Cash Chat has paid out commissions for over 500,000 subscribers. The platform has maintained very standards of financial integrity to the point that you will not find any monetary scandal even on social media platforms about cash chat or BC. The secret lies in the automation of payments. No person determines your payout on cash chat, every transaction happens automatically.

There is always someone who approves your payout on many of those social media platform you earn money from as a blogger, that's why it will take you not less than 30 days to receive your payment. Someone has to approve it first.

Cash Chat is configured according to the African lifestyle. By embracing the African financial culture which demands liberty, Cash Chat has only totally eliminated the corruption issue by legalising what would have caused.

You can invite your friends to view your status as you view their status so that your all earn from each others' views. That has been legalized and you will all be paid.

Cash Chat advertisers benefits more on cash Chat in that their ads are placed on statuses of a financially empowered traffic.


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